Stat 154 Course Information, Spring 2019
Bin Yu
You must enroll in the lecture and one lab. See the Academic Guide for details. You can attend only the discussion section and lab in which you are enrolled.
Lecture Time
TU, TH 8:00 am - 9:29 am
The Required Components of Your Work
- Biweekly homework which you will turn in on Gradescope. Most of the homework will be done in R Markdown. Homework will be posted on Thursday and will be due by 6 p.m. on Wednesday two weeks later. In some weeks there may be deviations from this due to exams or holidays; we’ll let you know.
- Weekly lab typically involving both math and computing. You may attend only the lab in which you are enrolled.
- Two Projects.
- Midterm in class on Thursday March 21, in Week 9 before the Spring break. No substitutes except as required by university rules. No computers involved.
- Final Exam on Thursday May 16, 7-10 pm, in Week 17. Room to be announced. No substitutes except as required by university rules. No computers involved. The final is required for a passing grade. Please make sure that you are not enrolled in a class that has a conflicting final exam.
Course grades will be assigned using the following weighted components:
- Homework 30%
- Labs 20%
- Attendance 5%
- Midterm 20%
- Final 25%
No late homework or lab, no make-up midterm or final
Collaboration and Integrity
Copying assignments from one another is not only dishonest, it also doesn’t help anyone. From a purely practical perspective, all students must work independently on Stat 154 midterm and final exams – no collaboration allowed. If a test is the first time a student works independently, then the test is not likely to go well.
Stat 154 materials including exams and solutions are the intellectual property of the course developers. From the campus statement on Academic Integrity: “… students may not circulate or post materials (handouts, exams, syllabi,–any class materials) from their classes without the written permission of the instructor.”